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Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

Mesilla Mariachis

Sunday at 4 pm at the Mesilla Plaza is the place to be if you like music and folk dance. That’s when the free Mariachi concerts begin, to be held every Sunday until November 5.

Mariachi – what does it mean? Oddly enough, no one seems to know for certain. The most accepted theory is that it comes from one of the languages native to Mexico before the Spanish invasion and conquest.

A Mariachi band consists of multiple violins, two trumpets, several kinds of guitars, and usually a folk harp. Besides a standard guitar, a Mariachi band has a high-pitched guitar and a base-rhythm guitar.


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Thursday, September 21st, 2006

Whole Enchilada Fiesta

The Whole Enchilada Fiesta is held annually “next door” in Las Cruces. It’s a huge area event that typically attracts 50,000 or more visitors.

The Festival begins Friday, September 22, and runs for 3 days.

The location is the Meersheidt/Hadley Sports Complex in Las Cruces. Here’s a map of the location:

The events include food, live entertainment, pet parade, carnival, motorcycle and car show, and the making of the world’s largest enchilada.


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Friday, September 1st, 2006

Hatch Chile Festival

In spite of the rain and flooding, the 2006 Hatch Valley Chile Festival will open as planned. The cost of the Festival is $5. One dollar of the fee goes to a non-profit fund for the victims of the recent flooding in Hatch.

Here’s the Saturday schedule:

Saturday — September 2
10 am — Parade Downtown Hatch
12 noon — 2006 Queen Coronation
1-3 pm — Music by Ginny Mac
All Afternoon Various Chile Contests, Booths, Food
4-7 pm — Music and Dance to “The Silver Bullet Band”

Here’s the Sunday schedule:

Sunday — September 3
12 pm — Cobre Folklorio Dancers
All Afternoon Various Chile Contests, Booths, Food
1-2 pm — Music by Scotty Fitch
2 pm — Queen’s Auction
3-5 pm — Music & Dance by Cameron the DJ

This is the 35th annual festival.


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